Managed IT Services for Nonprofit Organizations

May 24, 2012 MaryAnne Rode

What are Managed IT Services?

In a nutshell, Managed IT Services is defined as an outside firm or service provider who handles your Information Technology needs including system monitoring, backups, security patches, anti-malware,  spam filtering as well as planning for upcoming hardware and software upgrades.  Some companies are even providing the option to rent hardware from them along with a managed network service.  It is an alternative to hiring an employee to handle your IT needs.  It is also a way to tap into several areas of expertise without having to hire a highly compensated employee especially if your IT needs are fairly limited in scope.

Why consider Managed IT Services for nonprofit organizations?

Most nonprofit organizations(NPOs) are faced with way too much to do and way too few people to do it.  When you think about what you need, IT support probably comes pretty far down on the list. However, if you have a strong IT infrastructure you can ultimately do more with less.  The problem is that having a strong IT infrastructure takes time and can potentially cost a great deal of money.

So what’s the good news?

There is good news on the hardware and software side.   Having worked many years with Connecticut nonprofit organizations, we have come across a company called TechSoup that sells hardware and software to nonprofit organizations often at a fraction of what the hardware/software retails for.   So that means that you can get the computers and the software needed to run your business more effectively but that will only take you so far.

Where does Managed IT Services fit in?

Now that you have your hardware and software you are all set …right?  Wrong!  The fun has just begun.  There are viruses and software updates and spam to worry about now, not to mention when you need support because things aren’t working right.  Who has time for all that?  Well, that is where Managed IT Services providers come into play.  They can handle your IT needs while you focus on your job.

What some Managed IT Services providers like UNAPEN Inc. have discovered is that with service offerings like ITCompletetm, they can proactively manage a company’s computer network resulting in fewer problems, less unexpected issues or outages, and a higher level of satisfaction from the client.  The client’s network is running smoothly and reliably which helps to build overall productivity.  Additionally, UNAPEN’s ITComplete delivers these services at a fixed monthly cost, eliminating unwanted surprises in IT expenses.   Everyone wins.

MaryAnne Rode is Manager of Sales & Marketing at UNAPEN, Inc.

1 Comment on “Managed IT Services for Nonprofit Organizations

  1. Service provider who handles your Information Technology. Having someone who works in that field, who’s knowledgeable in monitoring will surely help you have a good flow in your system. You will always need those providers

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